Dee Stone’s career and interest is a kaleidoscope of colorful variety and experiences, starting with a degree in journalism from the nation’s first, and according to Dee, the nation’s finest journalism school at the University of Missouri. After graduation she pursued multiple avenues of the profession including TV writer, producer, and on-air talent, followed by marketing, public relations, international student recruiting, and 17 years as a wine journalist and international wine judge.
She has visited all 50 states in the U.S.A. and just short of 50 countries around the world. In 1990, she traveled on mission to the former Soviet Union to deliver Bibles and most recently, represented Peachtree Christian Church on a trip to India for the dedication of a church building built from the contributions of our congregation.
Dee has been a faithful member of Peachtree for more than 40 years and has served as Chair of the Official Board and is currently an Elder. She embraces the opportunity to use her gifts and talents to connect current and new Peachtree family members with each other and with opportunities for personal growth and service.
Dee is an avid kayaker and camper and is passionate board member of Georgia River Network, a group that works statewide to empower local citizens to achieve and maintain clean, healthy rivers.
Contact: 404.876.5535 ext. 312 | dstone@peachtree.org