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We are committed to being a community of reconciliation, cultivation, and care for all who enter our doors.
We are dedicated to the flourishing and well-being of our neighbors here in midtown Atlanta.
We desire to be a sanctuary where one can both find God and God’s people.
We practice an ancient faith that is still relevant to our modern day.
We are open for worship in person at both 9 and 11 am. No sign up is required. Childcare and classes for children are available on the 2nd floor (turn right out of elevator). Elementary age children are invited to join the Children’s Worship Experience in the chapel at 11:30am (they may exit the sanctuary if not already with the group at 11am). You can join us online at 11 am.
Our 9 am service is in the Chapel. It includes reading and reflecting on the week’s scriptures and receiving Holy Communion.
Our 11 am service in Peachtree’s historic Sanctuary features a full liturgy, music led by choir and organ, and guest classical musicians.
We are called to restore all things back to God.
We all called to intentional discipleship at all ages and stages of life.
We serve others by developing vibrant, life-giving intergenerational relationships of care.
We value each and every member and guest at Peachtree, and we believe there is something beautiful about people of all ages and backgrounds gathering together. We also honor the heritage of Christian unity by staying together as a witness to the world that even when we disagree we can still make room, welcoming all to the table as Christ has welcomed us. Our spiritual ancestors were fond of saying: “unity, not uniformity” and “In matters of faith, unity; in opinion, liberty; in all things love.” One of the most beautiful theological and practical displays of welcome and hospitality occurs through the weekly reception of the Eucharist. Despite all differences, we find solidarity in Christ and unity with one another at the table.
Throughout Scripture the people of God are called to understand their identity in relationship to one another. In the New Testament, Paul speaks of the church as a body, a complex system of individual parts whose fates are bound together. As a church, Peachtree seeks to be a place where life is shared through friendship, care, and mutuality. We believe these are more than community goals — they are driving theological values.
We are called to study and read Scripture for ourselves and with one another. We thoughtfully study Scripture, taking into account the history and background in which it was written.
It is our goal to be a people formed through habits and practices that draw us near to one another and to God. The word "liturgy" means "work of the people," and all of our services are carefully planned so that our communal songs, prayers, and words facilitate a time of worship that is concise, contemplative, and inspiring. Peachtree follows the Revised Common Lectionary in an effort to immerse ourselves in the biblical story. Additionally, Peachtree observes liturgical seasons to adorn our year in the great story of Christ.
Peachtree Christian Church was founded in 1925 and dedicated in 1928. The building exemplifies the strong Gothic Revival preferences of its era. Reverend Bricker, the church's first minister, toured England and Scotland, choosing Scotland's Melrose Abbey, a celebrated creation of the 15th century, made more fascinating in its ruined state. The center of the Church's facade is modeled after an elevation of the Abbey.
The sanctuary's stained glass windows are often claimed to constitute the largest single collection of English stained glass windows outside of England. More important than any quantitative valuation is the fact that so much of it was produced by one studio in a coherent program. Virginia Raguin, a director of The Census of Stained Glass in America, has stated that the Church has "a unity of style and subject matter in its glass that many larger places (including most European cathedrals) do not have."
Peachtree Christian Church is a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination. Peachtree is a certified Green Chalice congregation, a designation given to congregations committed to creation care.
Peachtree values ecumenical discussion and partnership with other churches and is a member of the Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta.
Peachtree helped found Peachtree Christian Health (formerly Peachtree Christian Hospice) and is proud to support its ongoing mission to “support caregivers by providing a place of loving, compassionate care for their disabled and aging loved ones, that offers safe, engaging, and reliable adult services focused on keeping families together.”
Peachtree is a member of Midtown Alliance, a group dedicated to improving and sustaining the quality of life for those who live, work and play in Midtown.
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