Women’s Ministry

“Open our eyes to the needs of the world and fill our hearts with concern for all people.” 

From the CWF Prayer 

Providing supportive and loving connections for women through service, spiritual enrichment and education is the mission of the Christian Women’s Fellowship at Peachtree Christian Church.  

Through fellowship, group projects and monthly bible study, we encourage women to grow in their faith and develop a sense of responsibility for the whole mission of Jesus Christ. We are affiliated with Georgia Disciples Women, part of a network of Disciples Women in the U.S. and Canada. 

Our service projects include financial and in-kind support for Atlanta food pantries, homeless shelters, winter clothing for people experiencing homelessness, books for children in Appalachia, school supplies, support for children in foster care, and numerous other expressions of care and concern.

CWF is open to all women of Peachtree and a good place to get to know us is through our many public events or by attending a meeting.

Questions? Contact Dee Stone at dstone@peachtree.org  

Thursday Nov 30, 2023


Library and on Zoom

BOOK CLUB, THURS, Nov 30, 10am-12-noon, Library
CWF’s book club is reading “The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot,” by Marianne Cronin. You’ll enjoy this charming story of unlikely friends who show us the power of living each day to its fullest.

Contact: Nancy Oliver,